Maxis Home Wireless Internet ~ Hate Unifi?

Setelah lama tak update blog ni, aku rasa kadang-kadang terlari tajuk, however, ada perkara yang nak aku ceritakan di dalam sini. Baik soal kerja, kehidupan seharian atau fasal apa-apa sahaja. Aku yakin, memang tiada siapa akan baca post ni, jadi aku rasa baik aku katakan apa sahaja yang aku suka, walau kadangkala agak merepek content post ini. Memang berterabur dan tak disusun, well, that's what we call blogging, "Everybody can write a site", aku punya pendapat. Baru balik dari Alamanda tadi, aku langsung beli wireless modem router, atau ape ye nama yang sesuai. Tapi ideanya begini :
  1. Subscribe Home Wireless Internet
  2. Get free wireless gateway
  3. You entitled to get free wireless phone
  4. 200 mins free call to any of telco
  5. With this wifi gateway, you can online everywhere
HUAWEI Wireless Gateway
Actually it was good move to me, since I don't like much of TM service, from office to home, I feel I should terminate the Streamyx service. Currently, I pay RM 90/permonth, and well, what you expect from 512 KB Internet service, quite stable but, streaming? forget about it.

After 1/2 hours negotiation with the salesman, finally I signed the plan, well this is the term :

Home Wireless Internet
Price : RM 99/month
Quota : 5 GB (8 a.m - 1.59 daily) - Standard Quota and 5 GB (2 a.m - 7.59 a.m daily)

From now, still not activating yet, the salesman saying that it took 24hrs activation, well lets wait for tomorrow.

Cordless DECT Phone worth RM 80
So, this promotion end-up tomorrow. My issues before attempting to register is that, my telephone reception in Persint 14 were very poor for Celcom, Maxis and DiGi, but the salesman told me that its never relate with the phone reception, its uses satellite instead. Hopefully its okay, and another reason I'm purchase this wireless router is for my MSc IT project, IT For Community. Its held on 10 Jun 2012, if you (the reader, if any), interested please log on to our website, and have some reading first on brief of this project.

Well, mata sudah mengantuk, bukan nak promosi, aku rasa servis ini (aku panggil servis, sebab ia agak berlainan daripada kaedah penggunaan internet di rumah), adalah baik, dan bagi membolehkan TM sentiasa kompetitif dan memikirkan dari segi kos sedia ada yang terlalu tinggi bagi Unifi. Harapa aku juga, dengan adanya tool ini, aku dapat bawak balik ke kampung untuk family aku belah Sg Buloh dan Sik, Kedah dapat menikmati internet semasa aku berada di sana, dan pada masa yang sama, projek aku tu dapat berjalan ketika geng aku nak buat demo pasal Ushahidi. What is Ushahidi? nantikan next post aku..


  1. Cik mama pun baru jerr on guna plan ni, hope ok laa.
    errr cik mama pinjm picca tu tau... halal yerr..

    cik mama follow sini.. ^_~


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