WSDL - Web Services Description Language

In order to understand the concept of SOAP, firstly we have to understand the concept of XML.

What is XML?
  • XML stands for EXtensible Markup Language
  • XML is a markup language much like HTML
  • XML was designed to store and transport data
  • XML was designed to be self-descriptive
  • XML is a W3C Recommendation
Taken form W3School

Please don't be confuse with JSON file and XML. Even though there is a long debate between this two type of format (still this term might be wrong) both format cannot be compare as an apple-to-apple comparison. This is because both two format represent different type of concept. You can find the detail here. However, after reading this, I can understand better for both format.

Lets go back to the topic. I came across this as what you call as a Web Services when I need to fetch a data from one application to another. You can simply get the data from the database, but sometime not every application allow you to do that. In fact, Web Services is the smartest way to transfer the data securely. Without doing any changes directly to database, In application layer today, such service can safe a lot of time for programmer.

So, what is WSDL? What is the relation between SOAP and WSDL? and what about XML? I will explain it step-by-step:

Web service that use SOAP as their platform, require WSDL on top of XML to exchange their data. I find one interesting site that explain the example on how SOAP functions. This article take example with PHP as a server programming to demonstrate the example.


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